Cascading Confidence: Near-Peer Coaching
Confidence skyrockets and expertise is inevitable when near-peers coach hands-on STEAM projects in other classrooms.
Building Confidence: Drawing Machines
Educator confidence and learner confidence with hands-on STEM starts with understanding by doing - and simultaneously supports social and emotional (SEL) development and STEM habits of mind.
Measurable Making: Must, Should, and Could
Educators who integrate hands-on design challenges with social and emotional learning (SEL) goals see small hands with big ideas discover their passions for invention and serious play.
Made to Keep: The Power of Playful Project-based LearningÂ
Project-based learning - especially playful projects that are made to keep - builds stronger relationships between learners and educators and turns up the volume on learner engagement.
Five Essential Hands-on Tools for STEM Classroom Activities
There’s five real “grown-up” tools missing from almost every innovative STEM classroom, and we’ve spent years testing them. Are you ready to open the toolbox?
3 Cool Kinetic STEM Projects for Afterschool
STEM project ideas are sometimes difficult to implement by yourself - especially when you’re considering purchasing and prepping for larger groups or cohorts.